[patch] macro report_json_filtered
(too old to reply)
Mark.Martinec+ (Mark Martinec)
2016-02-12 17:13:56 UTC
the attached patch adds a log macro report_json_filtered to amavisd.
This macro is like report_json but will remove all specified fields
the output.
$logline_maxlen = ( 32*1024 ) - 50; # 32k max message size, keep 50
bytes for syslog
$log_templ = <<'EOD';
It may be usefull for filtering unused fields to save diskspace and to
avoid logging of message content (subject, user_agent).
Responding to a year-old suggestion...

The feature will be in the coming 2.11.0. From release notes:

- A log template macro 'report_json' can now take arguments, which can
include or exclude fields (key/values) from the JSON report object.
Arguments to a macro are either field names (keys) to be included
in a report, or are field names to be excluded, each prefixed with
an exclamation mark, to produce a report with all but excluded fields.

Field names are case-sensitive. The order of fields in a serialized
JSON object is unaffected by the order of field names in a filter.
Unknown or non-present field names in a filter are silently ignored.


For better clarity, instead of listing field names as individual
arguments to a macro, it is also possible to provide a single argument
in which field names are separated by whitespace:
[:report_json|mail_id action content_type queued_as mail_from size]
[:report_json|!message !recipients !to_addr !elapsed !os_fp
!subject !subject_rot13 !user_agent !tests !tests_ham

A setting in a config file can look like:
$log_templ = '[:report_json|mail_id action queued_as mail_from]';

If at least one field name has an exclamation mark (i.e. is to be
excluded), all but excluded fields are implied, so any field names
without an exclamation mark are redundant.

Currently this is a simple filter where subfields of a structured
object cannot be selectively filtered (e.g. elapsed.SpamCheck).

Based on a patch by Markus Benning.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Quanah Gibson-Mount
2016-02-12 17:43:32 UTC
--On Friday, February 12, 2016 6:13 PM +0100 Mark Martinec
Will the source finally be made available in a publicly accessible SCM



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
A division of Synacor, Inc
Benning, Markus
2016-02-14 09:25:19 UTC
Post by Mark.Martinec+ (Mark Martinec)
Responding to a year-old suggestion...
Based on a patch by Markus Benning.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Great news!

I also posted a patch for SSL options some time ago.
It just added the missing glue to pass the options
to the underlying SSL module.

I also did some work on the 7zip extraction code some time ago.
As far i remember I noticed problems with encrypted 7zip
which blocked the extractor forever because the 7z
command was stuck in a Password: prompt.

Benning, Markus
2016-02-14 09:42:35 UTC
Post by Quanah Gibson-Mount
--On Friday, February 12, 2016 6:13 PM +0100 Mark Martinec
Will the source finally be made available in a publicly accessible SCM
That would allow others to directly contribute to the project.
I think that would help the project, but it's Marks decision.
He may have reasons to not do it.

As an alternative I could setup up an public repository based on amavis
as a place to collect patches.

Mark.Martinec+ (Mark Martinec)
2016-02-15 19:46:52 UTC
Post by Benning, Markus
Post by Mark.Martinec+ (Mark Martinec)
Based on a patch by Markus Benning.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Great news!
I also posted a patch for SSL options some time ago.
It just added the missing glue to pass the options
to the underlying SSL module.
I also did some work on the 7zip extraction code some time ago.
As far i remember I noticed problems with encrypted 7zip
which blocked the extractor forever because the 7z
command was stuck in a Password: prompt.
Got both now, thanks.

