Post by Nick RosierPost by Mark.Martinec+ (Mark Martinec)@sa_username_maps = (
'' => 'user_ex',
This is the information I've found so far. It's only not very usefull if
you would like to consult an SQL-DB. I've got all local users defined in
without having to define them all. Just a simple "select user from
mailbox" would suffice but I cannot find any documentation on how to do
In any @*_maps config setting you can use any lookup mechanisms
you want: hash, list, regexp, SQL, LDAP.
If you have records for each user in the amavis 'users' table
you can use the 'sa_username' field as Rob is suggesting.
These records can even be synthesised on the fly by a SELECT
clause and need not exist in a database.
For simple mappings like you describe you can use the right-hand-side
substitutions as offered by hash/list/regexp lookups,
e.g. using a hash-type lookup:
@sa_username_maps = (
{ '' => '$***' },
or using a regexp lookup:
@sa_username_maps = (
new_RE( [ qr'^(.*)@example\com$'i => '$***' ] ),
The pattern allows for capturing of parenthesized substrings, which can
then be referenced from the result string using the $1, $2, ... notation,
as with the Perl m// operator. The number after a $ may be a multi-digit
decimal number. To avoid possible ambiguity the ${n} or $(n) form may be used.
Substring numbering starts with 1. Nonexistent references evaluate to empty
strings. If any substitution is done, the result inherits the taintedness
of the key. Keep in mind that $ and @ characters needs to be backslash-quoted
in qq() strings. Example:
$virus_quarantine_to = new_RE(
[ qr'^(.*)@example\.com$'i => 'virus-${1}' ],
[ qr'^(.*)(@[^@]*)?$'i => 'virus-${1}${2}' ] );
Similar to $1, $2, ... rhs replacements in a regexp-based lookups,
a couple of these ($1 .. $5) is also simulated and provided by
a hash-type lookup:
# the rhs replacement strings are similar to what would be obtained
# by lookup_re() given the following regular expression:
# /^( ( ( [^\@]*? ) ( \Q$delim\E [^\@]* )? ) (?: \@ (.*) ) )$/xs
my $rhs = [ # a list of right-hand side replacement strings
$addr, # $1 = User+***@Sub.Example.COM
$saved_full_localpart, # $2 = User+Foo
$localpart, # $3 = user (lc if localpart_is_case_sensitive)
$extension, # $4 = +foo (lc if localpart_is_case_sensitive)
$domain, # $5 = (lowercased unconditionally)